Saturday, 29 November 2008

Why Aging People Become Depressed, Fatigued, and Overweight?

Here is a current article from "Life Extension" Magazine that validates the importance of the amino acid Tryptophan that is plentiful in Durian. This makes Durian Juice unique over any other juice supplement anywhere on the market. In addition Durian Juice gives you Tryptophan in its whole food natural state!

This is one of the reasons to take Durian Fusion juice on a Daily Basis!

Why Aging People Become Depressed, Fatigued, and Overweight
By William Faloon

Normal aging results in a reduction of tryptophan our brain needs to make serotonin. A serotonin deficiency can result in unwanted weight gain, mood swings, and disturbed sleep. Restoring tryptophan is often difficult in aging humans because it is rapidly degraded by pro-inflammatory cytokines. A new pharmaceutical-pure tryptophan has been combined with specific ingredients that prevent its excessive depletion, thus sparing tryptophan for conversion to serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin is a compound in the brain that promotes feelings of personal security, relaxation, and confidence. A serotonin deficiency can result in sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, and a propensity to overeat, particularly carbohydrates like simple sugars.

Startling research reveals that serotonin levels decline as we age!1-3 These findings provide a biochemical rationale to explain common age-related disorders such as depressed mood and sleep difficulties. Based on these discoveries, aging people may appreciably improve their health by restoring serotonin to youthful levels.

The amino acid tryptophan is needed to produce serotonin in the brain.4 While the amount of tryptophan in a typical diet meets basic metabolic requirements, it often fails to provide optimal brain serotonin levels.

Ever since the FDA restricted the importation of tryptophan for use in dietary supplements, there has been an upsurge in the percentage of overweight and obese Americans.
One could argue that a widespread serotonin deficiency is at least partially responsible for the record numbers of depressed, sleep-deprived, and overweight individuals.

What You Need to Know: Tryptophan

Serotonin is a brain biochemical that promotes restful sleep, well-being, and satiety. When serotonin levels are low, people often experience depression, anxiety, insomnia, and the urge to overeat.

The amino acid tryptophan is needed to produce serotonin in the body. While foods contain some tryptophan, the diet may not provide enough tryptophan to make adequate amounts of serotonin. Additionally, enzymes that are influenced by inflammation and aging can break down tryptophan before it converts to serotonin.

Individuals suffering from the adverse effects of low serotonin levels can now restore sleep, appetite control, and mood by supplementing with an advanced L-tryptophan formulation. This formula combines L-tryptophan with nutrients and herbs that help optimize its ability to convert to beneficial serotonin in order to counteract appetite and sleep disorders, and low mood.

Durian Fusion

Description:In Southeast Asia, durian has long been revered as the King of Fruits. No other fruit can rival durian’s unique profile. Fused with an exotic blend of papaya, mango, lychee and longan, Durian Fusion is the first-ever premium fruit supplement to harness the power of durian.

Visit The website here.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Terry & Georgia Eldred

Terry & I have been married for 51 years in Jan2008, and have 3 children, 8 grandchildren and one great grandchild also another great grandchild on the way. We have established 3 conventional businesses over 23 years and the last one we sold was 20 years ago. They are all still operating in Mudgee!

We have been in Network Marketing for 30 Years, 20 of those in one company, so we have not been the Network Junkies that 30 years might bring to mind, but we have had some experience with other Companies, and Neways is just one of the greatest things that has ever happened to us. Neways has the same strong family values that we have. Neways business is built from the heart not from the $ sign on the forehead…
Neways has repaired our flagging bodies, so that we both can look ahead another 20 to 30 years at least! One of our favourite sayings is

“Without your health, you have nothing”.

We have been blessed to have been sponsored into Neways by Peter Anton and Marie –France Garon who we had known about 3-4 years, at the time.

We had certain criteria that were set up for us to choose the right company and some of the points follow;

Hybrid Marketing Plan
Neways Healthy Homes Programme
Car Programme

House Programme
Consumable Unique products

Longevity and Stability
Incorporated in 1992 and with annual revenues exceeding $600 million, Neways has established itself as one of today's top network marketing companies.

Committed Ownership
Neways is owned by Golden Gate Capital, a San Francisco–based $9-billion private equity firm whose investors include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and the Ford Foundation.

International Scope
With some half a million members worldwide, Neways is now operating in 29 countries, with more to come.

Corporate Leadership
Neways is led by one of the industry’s most talented, capable executive teams, with decades of experience.

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing
Neways has invested in a new state-of-the-art bottling plant, as well as other world-class facilities.

Hearts Full of Hope:
The Neways Way of Giving Back
Neways recognizes the crucial role of business to give back.
One worthwhile cause in which Neways is involved is Hearts Full of Hope, an international organization that fights human trafficking—particularly that of children.
In fact, a certain portion of sales from our popular Durian Fusion product goes directly to Hearts Full of Hope to support this cause.

All the above and much, much more is why we feel Neways is the very best company in the world today and with the added bonus of the Freedom For Life team and training programme we are surely blessed.

In 2004, Lyn & Kurt Knoeplfi not only became Car Qualified but also became Diamonds in November. It was a wonderful experience for us to have such successful team members in our team.

We are so proud of them and their wonderful group in Queensland and all over Australia.

By Terry & Georgia Eldred Car Qualified Diamond Ambassadors.

Flea Treatments for Dogs Using Aromatherapy!

Not only can we avoid Harmful chemicals on ourselves, but we can also take care of

I just received this today and I know you dog lovers will appreciate it!

Dogs are REALLY sensitive to essential oils so I certainly would be very careful on the amounts used.

The following are suggestions

Dog flea collar
Discontinue if sneezing or rash occurs

Mix the vinegar and essential oils together and place in a sealed plastic bag for 24 hours then place on dog collar, you will need to repeat approx every 3 weeks.
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
5 drops cedarwood
5 drops eucalyputs
5 drops lavender

Flea repellant
10ml sweet almond oil
10 drops lavender
4 drops cedarwood
Mix together and place on a cloth in the dogs bedding

Well there you go and of course Neways has everything you need!

By Laurence & Heather Billing

Friday, 21 November 2008

You Can't Put Off Your Financial Freedom

Prepare Yourself For The Future You NeedTo Not Just Cope with 'Now' but Flourish for the Rest of Your Life
Even Rupert Murdoch, one of Australia's 3 richest men, has a stern view about the path ahead.
Last weekend, he articulated some harsh realities for Australians in the first of his lectures for the prestigious Boyer Lecture series.
"The Lucky Country" simply can't afford to be complacent any longer; we are all in for a rude shock if we don't change our attitudes and start taking some decisive steps.
As Rupert said, "We alone must define our future."
Make the Decision that will Create Your Financial Freedom
Some of the most powerful performers and achievers of our generation, are constantly being observed time and time again and that the advantage they have is their mindset.
In fact, they have conclusively shown that 80% of success is psychology, and only 20% is mechanics. (Nice to know!)
When you are equipped with a powerful mindset, you can negotiate even the most dramatic circumstances such as the world is experiencing now, and continue to prosper throughout your journey.
"By helping yourself you help others"
Fortune favours the bold! I understand how uncertainty can make you put off taking the first step - but you will never find freedom or a system/program that prepares you so thoroughly to face any circumstances and create the financial freedom you deserve.
You can't put it off any longer - now is the time to prepare yourself - there is no better time then NOW .
Seize this opportunity and join the freedomforlife team here in Australia, who have made the commitment to create a mindset conditioned for sustained health & wealth then develop the tools to make it happen.
“Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past anyexcuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.” - Tony Robbins
We have the opportunity to help the ones we love and care for as well as do our part to help nature and the environment/world by doing our little bit.
The Neways Healthy Homes initiative presentation, Freedom for Life program & Freedom for Life tools are the greatest source's of information to share with your family, friends & associates about healthy homes, healthy environment, healthy conscience and healthy finances.
This will give you the choices you've always dreamed of So Don't Put Off Your Financial Freedom Anymore.
wishing you health & wealth freedom for life
By Craig Griffiths - Crystal Executive part of the Freedom for Life Team

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Your Health Your Future

Take Control of your FUTURE

Science and technology are changing our live…
They’re damaging our health and reducing our quality of life:
One in three people get cancer
Heart and blood vessel disease claim a life every 10 minutes
There’s an alarming rise in diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue,
Parkinson’s and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
There are now about 500 synthetic chemicals in our bodies

We need to learn about the chemicals in our lives – in our homes, in our personal care products, and in the food we eat

We can make a difference… to ourselves and to the health of our families

We live in a toxic soup…
The world now produces 100,000 different chemicals

Just look in one place… your bathroom:
DEA/TEA very widely used, cancer in mice.
Foaming agent found also in garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers.
Accumulates in body tissue.
Humectants used in anti-freeze. Irritant and inhibits cell growth.
Poisonous to humans when ingested over long periods.
Linked to ovarian cancer and should be avoided
Many causes hives and eczema. Linked to cancer.

These are only a few of the many worrying and unnecessary ingredients in your personal care products.

What is in your food?
There are hundreds of additives in processed food. These are a few of the ones with associated health problems:

1. ASPARTAME 951 Artificial Sweetener
May be a trigger to many illnesses such as ADD, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, & Parkinson’s
2. MONO SODIUM L-GLUTAMATE (MSG) 621 Flavour Enhancer
Abdominal discomfort, palpitations, headache, asthma
3. AMATANTH 123 Red food colouring
Asthma, eczema, hyperactivity, hay fever
4. POTASSIUM NITRITE 252 Preservative
Abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, breathing difficulties
5. CARRAGEENAN (Irish Moss) 407 Thickener
Skin rashes, Asthma, enzyme inhibitor

Our bodies need many nutrients for good health.
But they’re refined out of most processed foods. To combat disease and illness we need 90 nutrients, including 60 minerals, 16 vitamins 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids, daily.

Below is an example of just a few:-

(deficiencies may cause)
acne, eczema
prostate problems
high cholesterol

(deficiencies may cause)
glucose intolerance
increased cholesterol
need frequent meals

(deficiencies may cause)
heart disease
weak muscles

(deficiencies may cause)
high blood pressure
frequent infections
liver impairment

Put time on your side
We can put good health back into our bodies with high quality supplements containing colloidal minerals
increase nutrition
Minimise disease
Improve digestion
Good sleep patterns

Ample energy
Cope with stress
Deal with minor illness
Improve skin tone
No headaches, aches or pains

We need a strong Anti-oxidant program to help the cells of our body repair themselves and to prevent diseases

Our Anti-oxidant Survival Kit
Vitamin C – first line of defence in our blood plasma

Vitamin E – essential to protect the cell walls of the arteries

Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) – prevents the oxidization of cholesterol

OPCs ( from Grapes seed & Pine bark) – crosses the blood-brain barrier to protect brain & spinal nerves. Prevents & repairs free-radical damage to our cells and body.

Curcumin (Tumeric) – neutralizes existing free radicals & prevents the formation of new free radicals

Co-Enzyme Q10 – protects the body, especially the heart from free radicals

Selenium – increases anti-oxidant enzymes in our cells & greatly reduces cancer risk.

Taken together, anti-oxidants can regenerate and reactive each other (“cascade”) to provide extra healing & preventative benefits.

For your health’s sake STOP adding INSULT INJURY and begin investing in Your Health, Which is Your Future.