Friday, 27 March 2009

Report on Phillip Day's Sydney Event & what's next!

Thank you,

Heather came home from Phillip Day's event yesterday afternoon and I'm amazed with how much NEW INFORMATION she told me he shared!

He actually spent an extra 1hr 45mins educating the people that were there!

About: If you can't sleep then a couple of grains of Himalayan Rock Salt on the tougue before putting your head on the pillow.

If you have cancer, you don't have to travel to Mexico for Complementary Therapies, because any Doctor or Naturopath can support you as most of the work must be done by our selves anyway. i.e.

Get rid of stress!
Get out of stressful Environments, including stressful relationships!

We require at least 4-6 weeks of Holidays regularly, this enables us to de-stress, and let go of unhealthy programs, and re-evaluate our lives etc.

NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming; he gave it a massive plug, as Good Health is all about a Great Attitude! So, I'll listening to that! And, so much more...I'm going tonight, so I'll be able to share a little more with you!

So, if you want to know more about what you can do to achieve optimal results in your life, then get along to his next event.

Sydney 23rd March (tonight) 7.30pm Epping RSL, Rawson St Epping NSW
Canberra 25th March 7.30pm National Press Club, 16 National Circuit, BartonShepparton
27th March 7.30pm Country Comfort Hotel, 481 Wyndham St SheppartonBendigo
29th March 2pm All Seasons Quality Resort, 171-183 McIvor Hwy BendigoMelbourne
31st March 7.30pm The Camberwell Centre, 340 Camberwell Rd

By Laurence & Heather Billing

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Creating Magic Award

The Creating Magic Award goes to the monthly highest achiever, based on sponsoring and Group Volume.

Our award winners

Alison and Phil Butler from Victoria
David and Hilary Balaan from New South Wales.

Congratulations to our achievers!

Who is up for the challenge in March?

Creating Magic Award

We are very excited to have introduced the Creating Magic Award through the Freedom For Life team again this year.

The Creating Magic Award goes to the monthly highest achiever, based on sponsoring and Group Volume.

We have had a great start to the year already.
Our award winners so far are:

January –
Sue Thomas - from Victoria
Mario and Vera Passak - from New South Wales

Monday, 9 March 2009

Creating Magic Club

On Friday February 27th was our 1st Creating Magic Club event for the year.

What a fantastic night!

Attending, we had some Committed and Excited people who have started the year the right way; “by sponsoring”.

They were also aloud to invite their new recruits who where able to meet the leaders and have a touch and feel at the product and more than anything feel the electrifying energy from a great team working together.

The recipients of the Creating Magic Award for the month of January were:
From Victoria: Sue Thomas
From NSW: Mario & Vera Passak

Have you qualify for the next one?

We look forward to see you on Friday night 13th March for a night of fun filled magic.

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Found in Deodorants Aluminum is a metal, the third most common element in the environment and a toxin in the body.

You'll find it in processed foods, antiperspirants, antacids, paper products, beverage cans, foil and cookware.

World Health Organization conducts studies on chemical pollution and the elderly...

"There is a suspected link between Alzheimer's disease and the toxicity of aluminum... autopsies have found high concentrations of the metal in the brain of people who had suffered from the disease."
-from Public Health Reports, Nov-Dec 1993 v108n6p798(2)

Studies linking aluminum to Alzheimer's disease...

"The evidence is strong enough that the prudent person will eliminate all food and cosmetic sources of aluminum and will use aluminum cooking utensils only if they are coated,"

suggests Gary Price Todd, MD, author of Nutrition, Health and Disease.
-from Natural Health, May-June 1993 v23n3p54(2)

Dr. Daniel Perl, Director of Neuropathology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, suggests "...avoid aerosol antiperspirants. Aluminum in aerosol may be more readily absorbed into the brain through nasal passages."
-from The University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1993 v9n7p1(2)

"Aluminum-containing antiperspirants are designed to be absorbed, and studies show that regular use of these products can raise the risk of Alzheimer's by as much as three-fold. (also)...municipal water supplies treated with alum (aluminum sulfate) least 7 studies show that people drinking water high in alum are more likely to develop Alzheimer's"
-from Natural Health, May-June 1993 v23n3p54(2)

Alzheimer's disease is now the 4th leading cause of death among the elderly, behind heart disease, cancer and stroke. A half century ago it was virtually unheard of! Something's going on! Our bodies are rebelling against this chemical invasion. Will you take action! Either way, you're betting your life!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Diamond Traning by Peter Anton & Marie-France Garon

Becoming a Responsible Sponsor

Please note:
From approaching people (prospects) to signing them up as members in your company that’s becomes
part A – The teams step by step duplication formula

In part B – When people join your company and Network Marketing their psychology changes in a one second they are no longer a prospect, they are part of your team. As a team member they become passionate, excited about the mission, they make a commitment, and to help people with the products and the opportunity.

To be willing to do the action to have health, time and financial freedom and change the world.

To follow the team’s success system, they are willing to be teacher able, to learn the system, to listen and work with their sponsor, upline support team and to ‘do what ever it take’ to succeed.

As soon as they sign the application form and place their first order they are a part of your team.

Listen to what they want (it’s not important what you want) and help them succeed, in what they want from your company with your support and a proven step by step success system, this is all about a team concept always follow-up, follow-up & follow-up.

Hopes of effortless riches entire many people into Network Marketing and members often rush to sign up high on excitement. You must commit to succeed by Being, Doing and Having.

When you enrolled, did you say?

I’ll try;
I’ll do my best; or
I’ll do what it takes

If you’re a 1 you’ll probably fail because you silently admitted it might not work;
If you’re a 2 you definitely have a better chance of success;
If you’re a 3 congratulations, you’ll make it big time.

They are two types of people that work in network marketing: those who quit… and those who make all the money. You must take action daily to achieve your goals.

Until there is a commitment there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Make sure new people coming into the company make a commitment.

They will only do so if they have defined clearly what they want from the business and you help them to achieve it.

New members get excited, and then if they don’t receive a positive response from the first few people they approach, they can quite before they get started.

You gain more respect and will see greater success if you tell people what its going to take, rather then what you think they want to hear.

Such as, 10 hours per week for 24 months.

Do this before they get involved building a Networking marketing business.

Then after they’re involved prepare them in advance for “Dream Stealers” and problems. That’s just how life is. Please don’t exaggerate; people have an instinctive edibility to judge the sincerity of others. Above all, let them know it’s a team effort we are there to support them.

Your job is not to convince people that your company is a great opportunity, but rather, to find those people who are searching and ready for this opportunity and upon finding it, will do something with it.

But you must teach and help them. The best way that I have found is with 3-way calling with your sponsor, get the prospect personally involved, helps eliminate a fear of rejection and presents a supporting environment where you can educate while sponsoring new people into your business.

Your business can be as simple as asking someone if they would like to make some additional money. When they say “what is it?” set an appointment to show them opportunity. Do not attempt to explain everything over the phone. The purpose of your call is to set an appointment so you can show everything in its entirety.

If you give too much information over the phone they make a decision with limited information.

This is why we use a proven step by step team success system, a duplicate able formula.