An old saying says that, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' -- but does it? What is so special about the humble apple?
Can an apple a day keep the doctor away?
Ideally we should eat organically grown fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately today's lifestyle doesn't allow us to always eat organically and in any case, will eating organically be enough? The soil having no ability to regenerate the essential minerals, needs to have a wide range of trace minerals continually added.
Due to modern farming techniques, and the introduction of super phosphates which consist of three minerals Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Potassium, it does nothing to address the depletion of the other 57 minerals required for human health. While beautifully promoting plant growth, it is not of much value to us.
Dr W Mertz, US Department of agriculture, stated that:
"In the future we will not be able to rely on our premise that the consumption of a varied, balanced diet will provide all the trace elements, because such a diet will be very difficult to obtain for millions of people."
"Cultures who have always had high levels of organic minerals in their diet have little or no disease. Heart disease, cancer, high
What can we do to Live a Long, Happy and Healthy Life?
Before rushing out to buy some mineral tablets, realize that there are several forms of minerals. To get the 60 minerals we need daily, a supplement needs to be in a plant based, colloidal form which is 98% biologically available. Many minerals come from a 'metallic base', that is, they come from rock, not plant, and obviously are not easily absorbed into the body.
It is quite obvious from our research, that the foundation of any nutritional program should begin with the supplementation of organic colloidal minerals.
In our diet there are missing nutritional links which keep us from experiencing optimum health. With an adequate supply of colloidal minerals, we can help prevent premature aging and disease and maintain the energy and vitality we need to enjoy a great life!
How much Nourishment is Lost in our Food?
People constantly tell me they have a good diet.
Early Harvesting can account for food value losses of up to 25% Transporting can account for food value losses of up to 25%
Process - Loss
Storage Up to 50%, Cooking Up to 50%, Freezing Up to 83%
Canning Up to 83%, Overprocsing Up to 100%, Refining Up to 100%
Pasteurization Up to 50%
Reference: Consumer Alert Publications: Tired of being Tired, Sick of being Sick by Kare Possick
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